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Fringe Gives Back


We believe in doing all we can to make the world a better place. Yes, lashes bring a lot of joy - it feels good to feel pretty and confident women change the world - but we think we can do even more. That’s why each and every Fringe product gives back to a cause we care about. 

After a trip to an elephant sanctuary on her honeymoon, Fringe founder Sarah Pena was inspired to find a way to help from her home in San Jose, California. It was important to her that our products be made without any animal products - at all. She’s picked a charity to partner with for each product that gives back to an animal-related cause - starting with that very sanctuary she visited in Thailand. 

*Recommendation - list out the charities with an icon and an image of the product 

Lash Shampoo - Butterflies 

Makeup Remover - Elephants - 

Adhesives, primers and remover: Saving the Bees -

Tools  - Saving the Whales -

Lash Application (lash pads, tape, mascara wands, micro tip applicators) Cleansing Brushes - Saving the rhino-

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